29th October 2012
Hi All. Another update with another ‘tribute’ model
86261 Driver John Axon GC. To see why Driver Axon was awarded the George Cross, click here.
There are a few new pictures to see this time. Look for the class 31 and HST galleries. I have also uploaded a new page for my model of a class 122 bubblecar. Finally I have been working on a little something for no other reason than why not? It doesnt fit with my layout plans at all but I always found the prototype quite a curious little vehicle.
Theres a little more about it in the other stock section.
23rd September 2012
Time for another update I think. There are new pictures in the class 20, HST and coaches sections.
Also I have added quite a few pictures to the class 31 gallery. I am currently working my way through a batch of them.
7th August 2012
Time for another update. You will find new pictures in the other stock, class 45, 50, 81, 85, 120, 128 and class 304 sections.
Of special mention is my model of 50031 – Hood. I modelled this locomotive as my own little tribute to those lost when HMS Hood was sunk by Bismark in World War 2.
To read more about HMS hood click here
Finally for this update I have started a new page detailing the platform details that are under the roof. You can find it in the layout – buildings section
30th June 2012
I have been weathering track (I have had an urge to do it for a while). The results of my efforts can seen below and also on the track page (under Layouts).
Also new this time are images for classes 08, 25, 31, 47, 86, 87 and 118
16th June 2012
Above is my version of Google earth. This shows the full staion area (withoutmost of the buildings)
There are new pictures for you on the class 47, 50, 85, 86, HST and other stock pages, Enjoy!
23rd May 2012
The arrival of Bachmann’s rather nice Class 85 means that I have now completed the locomotive classes I need for New Street. Plenty of individual locos still to do of course. Head over to Locomotives to see more of my 2 85’s as well as new images in classes 31, 58 and the HST galleries.
For those who like a spot of reading I have 2 articles in this months crop of magazines. A short one on modelling Transit vans appears in Rail Express and a longer on on how I built my signal box appears in Model Railway Journal.
16th May 2012
Hi everyone. Updated a couple of galleries (class 45, 50 and 150) with new images plus added a special little project to the other stock section.
5th May 2012
Hi Everyone. Appologies for the extraordinarily long wait for an update but as you can see there have been big changes and I hope its been worth it! Welcome to a completely revised site with better navigation, more slickness and most importantly bigger pictures. Theres loads of changes and plenty of new stuff to look at so why not get a coffee and a bicky and have a look round?
20th October 2011
The end of September saw the station section return to Scaleforum as an ongoing demo. Thanks to Tim Horn, Simon Stevens and Phil Eames for their help over the weekend.
Click here for a gallery of images taken by David Brandreth at the show.
21st July 2011
I have always liked the MJT torsion bogie and (given that I need so many) decided to etch my own, incorporating a few changes to make building them quicker. In the end the center wire was replaced with 2 pins and these merely hold it all together and dont use any form or torsion control at all. The control now comes from the cross wires between the brake shoes.
These bogies are now available from Brassmasters,click here for more information.
30th May 2011
This weekend we had the first test session with Tim’s Storage Yard and Phil Eames’s 4mm P4 Calcutta Sidings 2. This is the actual fiddle yard that New Street will use (although it will be extended) Calcutta Sidings 2 measures in at 52′ by 17′. Set up in North Elmham Primary school.
Video ©Tim Horn
22nd March 2011
This update sees additions to the HST gallery (click the picture), class 58 and 86 locomotives as well as class 101, 108, 128 and 310. Go to stock in the header menu to see the pictures.
11th March 2011
A few things this time starting with a new section for odd-ball vehicles like the Reliance Mercury tug shown above.
Stock wise I have new pictures for class 31, 47, 50, 56 and 86 along with classes 120 and 310. Follow the stock link at the top of the page.
9th December 2010
Been working on the walls on board 2 as well as finishing off all of the platform tops. Theres more in the scenary section.
Also been working on the little bit of wasteland near the dock at the Wolverhampton end of the station. Some more experimentation with photography in very low light can be found in the class 50 and class 310 pages in the stock section.
Finally, may I take the opportunity to wish all visitors to my little corner of the internet a Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2011!
6th October 2010
The above picture was taken by Darren Rees at the Kernow/YMR show where the layout appeared as a work in progress demo. You can see more of Darren’s pictures on the shows page.
Other updates this time include new pictures in the class 31 and class 50 galleries while I have made a start on a page devoted to my class 47 models. Click on the stock link to have a look. On the scenery front I have been building a bus stop and billboard! If you fancy having a go at a bus stop yourself my drawing can be downloaded from the drawings page.
30th July 2010
I have been busy working on buses again. I have now split the road vehicles section into 2 parts, 1 for commercial vehicles and 1 for buses. Plenty added to both sections.
A few updates to the stock section too, the main one being a new section for the class 155 DMU. Click on ‘stock’ in the main menus to have a look around.
Work has progressed well on the London end of the station and finally I have uploaded a gallery of pictures taken by visitors to the DEMU showcase in June to the shows page.
14th April 2010
Several updates this time, starting with my work on producing parts to help people model Scale OLE. Go to the layout section to see more.
Updated a few of the stock galleries too with classes 08, 25, 50 and 87 all having new pictures. There is a new gallery for class 86 too.
There is a new area in the scenic section for things that don’t really fit in the other sections or warrant a section of their own. Its in the scenic section under miscellaneous.
11th March 2010
I have started up a few more galleries, this time dedicated to classes 20, 31 and 120. They are all to be found in the stock section.
Also for this update I have a new section on how I am modelling my platforms in the layout section
8th February 2010
Just a quick update this time. I have added a few more vehicles to the vehicles page.
21st December 2009
The end of the year sees the end of another long ongoing project. That being the model of Birmingham New Street Signalling complex. For more pictures of this model please go to the layout section.
21st October 2009
Time for another update. There are a few new sections to the website as well as a conclusion to an ongoing project!
First up I have had a track building urge again and good progress has been made on the London/Derby end station thoat. To see more go to the track page.
A new section on how I am building my roads can be found in the scenary section.
If you have roads you need vehicles to go on them! See more in the Vehicles section.
Finally my staff building is finished!
21st July 2009
I have made good progress over the last few months and took a section of the layout to the RMweb Members day at Chasewater. Nothing like a show to focus your attention even if it is only a demo and it doesn’t have to be finished.
James Hilton, Paul Burkitt-Gray and Tim Maddocks took images of the layouts outing and a big thanks to them for letting me reproduce them on my site. More pictures are on the shows page.
Above image © Paul Burkitt-Gray
Progress continues on my staff building, if you want to see more then please go to the layout section.
17th March 2009
Been busy working on the ex LNWR building that can be found at the Wolverhampton end of platform 1, Proving that not all things on a big layout have to be huge I had a spot of fun making a 4mm scale padlock for the shed that is hidden under the Hill Street Bridge. The penny is for scale!
With the help of WFRM I have produced etches to represent the c1/8 Concrete signalling troughing found lineside. More info and prices are on the goodies page.
4th December 2008
Work progresses on the retaining walls and they are not far from finished now. Just the laborious task of picking out different bricks in various different shades. Go to the scenary section for more pictures of progress so far.