After Scaleforum i became aware that the vegetation on Brettell Road probably was a bit to green and lush for a late October setting. To remind you roughly what it looked like back then here are a few images from earlier in the layout build.
Ok so it wasn’t exactly late spring or anything but armed with some scenic sheets from Martin Welberg and some more muted static grass from WWS supplies I set to work making it all look a bit more, well, dead!
As you can see I’ve made he disused line look a lot more overgrown. The eagle eyed will spot a bit of extra iron work supporting the wall. I always intended to add this from the early days of the layout.
I’m happier with it now.
Amazing looks great Jim.
I am constantly delighted by your attention to detail, re-colouring the greenery has changed the feel of the whole scene and again shows your skill at self-review/criticism. Thank you for sharing with this mere mortal.
Hi Jim,
Have you given some thought to knocking a couple of the fence boards out, cutting a path down to the tunnel and making a place for the youth to hang out?
Or is that to modern??????
Wouldn’t really make a huge amount of sense if I’m honest. When I’ve finished the factory, the youth would have to break in, then knock out the fence (which is actually nearly half embedded railway sleepers, so pretty substantial). It’s only a bridge so if the kids wanted to get to it the could just cross the road and save themselves the grief.