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BNS-bookRecently released is this neat little book on the History of Birmingham New Street by Mark Norton and published through Amberly Publishing. Its 96 pages of a bit over a5 size and it pretty much all photographs. The book follows New Street’s evolution in chronological order ending with a short piece on what the current rebuild promises. Much of the content from the late 40’s until the mid 60’s was taken by the authors late Father and this is perhaps the most interesting part of the book. The periods either side having a very slight feeling of padding but to be fair, and certainly with regards to the 70’s onwards, this timeframe is my interest so the book provides little in the way of new material of info. (im sure im probably unique in finding it that way). Well worth the £14.99 asking price in my opinion.

ISBN 978-1-4456-1095-5


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Simon Glidewell
Simon Glidewell
10 years ago

This should be a very helpful little volume; am I right in believing that books dealing specifically with BNS are not very numerous? I’ve seen many references to it in a multitude of other books of course.

All the best