So lets start with a buildings and a request, When I posted the image of the pub at night I was asked for a picture of the area in the light so here it isThis also shows the water tower I was working on too, speaking of which…
Remember the lower part of the Hornby water tower I was fiddling with and how I didn’t worry too much about details? This is the reason why – you can just about see it, if you know where to look!
Moving on to some wagons. This is the Chivers kit for a Dia1674 LMS Bolster wagon. A nice simple kit to build although given the long wheelbase I did opt for Bill Bedford springing.
This was supposed to be a quick win. I liked the local livery and thought that it would break up the sea of grey and bauxite wagons. Its a Bachmann product but an older one that was stretched to fit their 10ft wheelbase steel chassis. Some careful cutting in 4 places lost some of the extra length and while it is still too long it does now fit the longer Cambrian wooden chassis.
I’ve finished off the vans I was working on too. Not a lot more to add about them really but here’s the pictures. LMS 6 wheel fish van – Chivers Kit.
Palethorpes 6 wheel van
And the larger bogie version – Transfers are from Cambridge custom transfers. Sheet BL153 covers the 6 wheel vans while sheet BL154 covers the bogie vans.
Finally aside from the crew and some coal (plus a slight warping of the footplate) the 94xx tank is done too. Here’s a few images.
Looking good, except for the blue retaining wall. Something just isn’t working for me on that. I think it might need some vertical streaking.
It needs the bridges and supports added yet. I’m also thinking of a bit of iron work to reinforce it.
The wagons look great and nice atmospheric shots of the 94xx too.
plenty of atmosphere there as usual, really like the six wheel fish van.
Good to here there’s more to be done. I wonder if bulging brickwork could be reproduced to bolster the idea of iron reinforcing?
Could I request a picture? I’d love to see the layout overall and all the sidings filled with the many wagons you’ve been teasing us with.