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Thanks to the help of my long term friend and his laser cutter I have made a start on the pillars that litter the platforms at New Street (and also give i its characteristic look of a public loo!).

The tiles are laser cut onto paper which is then wrapped around a wooden inner.  Half round microstrip is used for the bumpers around the base. The laser cut is very very subtle and it looks like a print but you can feel the cuts and more importantly in certain light you can see them even though you cant make out the black lines from the same angle. The wooden formers are used because these pillars (there’s an awful lot of them) will have to take the weight of the shopping center above.  For that reason holes are cut through the platforms and the pillars are glued to the baseboard. The area where the tiles stop mark the height of the ceilings.

Another mind numbingly repetitive but ‘needs to be done’ tasks is to add posters to the walls. For a long time I have been collecting 1987 posters as and when I find them and some are shown here. The frames are simply 30thou microstrip.

For some more (and Ive got to be honest way more interesting) examples of Tim’s work with his laser cutter click here



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Jon Chaplin
Jon Chaplin
12 years ago

Just seen you’re searching for 1987 posters Jim. Maybe this link will help


There are other years available as well should you so wish.

Despite not having been there in the 80’s this is bringing back a lot of memories of when I was a regular punter there in 99-01…

Mike Lynch
Mike Lynch
12 years ago

Wow Jim, now that really is spot on – just how it was down there. I really can’t wait to see this with roof on – I guess you’ll be generating some sparks from the overheads and loads of diesel smoke too. Brilliant.

Chad Bevan
Chad Bevan
12 years ago

Hi Jim. Was New Street plagued by those smaller posters for one off concerts and gigs that get thrown up all over cities these days? You can quite accurately model a ‘ripped off’ poster by using a tip ex mouse applied directly to the surface, then peeled off to your desired amount. I love this layout!

Chad Bevan
Chad Bevan
12 years ago