Bit of a mixed bag this post, starting with;
A kind gift.
My friend Tom contacted me to say he had an old Millholme models kit for an LMS 30t bogie bolster and did I want it? Of course it would be rude not too!
The kit represents, as best as I can tell, a diagram 1682 45 ft bogie bolster. These were a continuation of a Midland design with the only obvious difference being that the earlier ones had handbrake wheels rather than compound levers. The sides and solebars were, nicely, cast in one piece and being as old kit the bufferbeam and ends where missing. The trussing was also cast in whitemetal and was somewhat optimistic as its a long piece in a not very strong and somewhat bendy material.
So to work I replaced all the trussing with 1mm L section brass from Eileens. The brake lever castings were OK and they are both mounted at one end. It appears that only the bogie at this end is braked at all.
The bogies are ratio ones and I ditched the swivelling plate idea as supplied preferring to pack them out and mount them with a screw. The bufferbeams were from my scrap kit parts box and the extra rivet detail from Archers transfers. The buffers were the ones supplied in the kit.
Lampost conundrum
My plan to extend Brettell Road includes completing the road currently on the left of the layout as well as adding a new road. Digging around looking at local pictures in the late 50s the lamposts seem to be mostly the concrete cast type. Theres a couple of options for these. Hornby Scaledale none working ones and woodland scenics working type. I immediately discounted the latter as they are far too chunky and just look awful.
Not that the Hornby ones look any better. Im not sure why they bothered to produce these as they are basically crude lumps of resin and they don’t even provide a foot for modellers to mount them. The idea of fitting a surface mount LED and hiding the wires on the none viewing side went out of the window! I must be able to do something better than this surely? Especially as, at most I will only need 5 of them.
So with some K&S metal section (1.5mm square for the top and 2.4mm Hex for the main trunk I made this.
The base was blended into the main columns and sprayed with Plasticote suede. I also very lighty dusted some grey primer and blank over it to give a more concretey colouring. Below is how it looks in position.
Baby Grampus
Flicking through Simon Bendall’s bookazine ‘Modelling British Railways – Engineers wagons’ I was taken by a wagon I’d not come across before. The GWR designed ling. A 14 ton open wagon that looks like a baby grampus. In the bookazine, Hywel Thomas built one by cutting down a Chivers Tunney but I decided another route would be to stretch a Cambrian starfish instead. So 2 starfish kits were found and a lot of cutting ensued. The doors on a Ling are shorter than a Starfish so each door had a section cut from the middle with new strapping from microstrip. Buffers are from Lanarkshire models, W irons from Bill Bedford, door bangers and steps from Rumney Models and the test of the underframe from plastic section and the spares box.
Above is the reason i referred to this wagon as a baby grampus. Along side one it’s considerably smaller. Comparisons between the shortened doors and the starfish originals can also be seen.